BETTA SPLENDENS – Figthing Fish – facts info

BETTA SPLENDENS – Figthing Fish – facts info

6d067f3dcf2ed8f73fa3b97be61bf91a_2Name and family:

Betta Splendens or Siamese Fighting Fish commonly called fighting fish. The Betta splendens is a Aanabantide freshwater belonging to the Osphronemidae’s family, this fish inhabits stagnant water, paddy fields, canals, ponds of water and river areas with weak currents, enduring poorly oxygenated waters of Southeast Asia: Thailand, Cambodia and Laos.


Features and behavior:

It has a robust and slightly cylindrical body, the mouth is located in the upper position, it has three unpaired fins (dorsal, caudal and anal) and two pairs (two ventral and two pectoral) of various colors; blue red yellow green white black orange. The classification is carried out for features such as color and shape of the fins:
COLOR: Solid (monochrome), Bi-colored (2 colors), Marbled (The sample has two or more colors with patches with irregular edges on the body), Butterfly (The specimen has a body of one color and fins of another) , Multicolored (3 or more colors on the fins or body).
SHAPE: Halfmoon (The fish has a broad tail, 180 °), Crowntail (The fish has fins with very elongated rays, which give the fish a “spiny” appearance and aggressive), Veiltail (The fish has long fins, with tail forming an elongated soft veil), Plakat (the fish has fins of the original shape, short and rounded).
Although it is a fish that does not require special care and attention because in nature can survive in special situations such as periods of drought or strong climate change thanks to the ability to absorb oxygen from the surface with the help of an organ called the labyrinth, in recent years It is spreading a new culture defined aquarium “aquarium aware” that has eliminated incorrect behavior by traders and inexperienced breeders. It is recommended for health aquariums approximately 20-30 thers for a single male specimen, then prohibited mini tank of 1 liter.

Compatibility with other fishes:

The males are very aggressive with each other and can not stand, it is impossible to keep two males in the same tank would otherwise collide until the weakest of death. The threatening attitude is for each fish that enter the territory of the male, you may in fact enter this field aquarist for last fish, because if left alone at first tend to take possession of all that there is in ‘ aquarium, driving away in anger anyone vague in its territory. It is not recommended living with Characins cichlids and other Ananbantidi live instead with livebearing like Xiphophorus and also with Barbs, and Rasbora.

Sexual dimorphism and breeding:

The sexual dimorphism is manifested mainly through the finnage, more developed and colored in the male compared to the female, even in the short-finned version (Plakat), the female is more squat, the male has instead a hump on its back. The aggressive attitude is also found in the reproductive sphere. (See article ‘betta splendens’ playback).

Feeding and mantenance:

The Betta splendens is a carnivorous fish. You may be given food granules, recommended live food such as brine shrimp or frozen napulii.


From 15 to 100 euro.

Maximum dimension: 6 cm

Swimming level: medium – high

Ideal temperature range: 23°- 28° celsius

PH range: 6 – 7.5

GH range: 5- 15