Family: Geraniaceae

Scientific Name: Geranium sanquineum striatum

Common Name: Geranium striatum


Geranium striatum (Geranium sanquineum) A denser, more compact form of G. sanquieum growing to 6-8” tall and features large pale pink flowers with contrasting dark red veins.

Plant TypePerennials Hardy, Site author's observations
Hardiness Zone3-8
Sunlightfull to semi-shade
Soil & Siteaverage
Flowerspale pink flowers have dark veins, early June to the end of June, occasionally into July, may have reblooms of up to 25% in the fall
Fruitdistinctive beaked seed capsules, hence the common name of crane’s bill (geranium in Greek means crane)
Leavessmall green leaves on wiry stems. Only fair fall foliage color.
RootsGeranium 'Prostratum', Geranium 'Lancastriense', Hardy Geranium
Dimensions8" tall, by 24" spread, starts off flat in the spring and then becomes a small mound
MaintenanceShear back lightly after the first blooms and than shear back when the plant becomes shaggy.
Native SiteIsle of Walney, North Lancashire England
Misc FactsAKA: Geranium 'Prostratum', Geranium 'Lancastriense', Hardy Geranium
Author's NotesThis is one of my favorite Geraniums. It produces a large number of flowers that blanket the plant. I have had a plant in the same spot of over 12 years.
Notes & Reference#29-Hardy Geraniums (Peter F. Yeo)
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