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Microsoft: over 5,000 products Certified for Windows Vista

Microsoft has revealed that the number of products that are "Certified for …

The "Certified for Windows Vista" logo (pictured right) was created to reassure customers that the product they were purchasing would work with Windows Vista, no questions asked. The applications and hardware carrying the logo have passed an "extensive certification process" to verify that they will be compatible with Microsoft's latest operating system. The software giant has now announced that the number of products supported has expanded dramatically:

As of April, we currently have over 5,000 products that are Certified for Windows Vista. Since last July, the amount of Certified for Windows Vista products has almost doubled! As you can see—we've seen quite a bit of growth with new Certified for Windows Vista products entering the market.

To further promote the program, Microsoft has created a Vista Sidebar Gadget that informs the user of new Certified for Windows Vista products and lets you search for specific products to see whether they are certified. The Windows Vista homepage displays (right-hand side) a different "certified" product every time you load the page.

In addition to the 5,000+ number, Brandon LeBlanc also hinted that he would be soon bringing more "Certified for Windows Vista" news than just the number of products supported: "I expect to be talking about some hot new Certified with Windows Vista devices in the very near future. And stay tuned as I have something else planned in regards to Certified for Windows Vista I think you'll like as well."

We'll keep you posted.

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Channel Ars Technica