Glowing orb in Cycles for transparent background.

I’d like to render some sort of magic glowing orb/plasma in cycles.

For example something along the lines of:

I’d like to know how would I go about it when the object must be render on top of transparent background.

Basically, just making a sphere, and directing “Emission” shader into “volume” channel results in a glowing ball (not a pretty one, though), that is also completely invisible on transparent background. I suppose I need to somehow generate “object density” information, though I’m not sure how.

What’s a good way to go about it?

I’m looking for some sort of “glowing core” surrounded by glowing fog raising up.

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it may look totally transparent, but the color brightness is still there. if you add the render to a background image the glow will be visible.

I need it to be non-transparent. Basically, with non-zero alpha.

Alright. Looks like I mostly figured it out. Volume Absorption/Volume Scatter NOdes must be mixed in and directed into Volume input, then objects will remain visible.