I like dolls and plastic models. Expect a lot of those.

posts from @IceMutt tagged #mecha Musume

I get way too tangled up over thinking what to start new blogs with. Take a look at my contest girl from the USA Gundam Store (USAGS) Mecha Musume contest this summer/fall. My piece won first for the Beginners (no massive repaint) category!

Contests are always an interesting space to me, especially for hobbies with really niche audiences and a lot of creative energy. Den of Angels hasn't done their annual variety ABJD contests in a while (the last one was in 2019, they paused for Covid and have not returned to doing the contests). I was really excited to see a contest for the girlpla kits, as I'd just picked up a Bullet Knight Executioner Bride with the intent of mixing with a Jaeger Edelweiss kit I had on hand. The contest meant I actually did some light stretching of my ideas and hunted down the effect parts I wanted as well as really thinking about the overall look of the kit as I tinkered with it. Mainly I kept my color pallet very narrow, going mostly for the white/silver look that the Bride kit comes with, but adding it the black boots from the Edelweiss kit and some gold highlights to help blend the included yellows in. I'm really pleased with how she came together in the end. I'm excited to start mixing some other kits together now too!

I'll post more of my dolls for now and see about posting some game thoughts over on GazongaGames.