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PUPPP rash???

Could this be PUPPP? I am in 3rd trimester with a boy. ..
Itches so bad. On my scalp, sides, arms and backside the worst! Ah! Waiting for nurse to call me back.


no reactions
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  • Yes! I had this rash about 5 weeks ago and it was HORRIBLE. Benydryl did nothing, creams did nothing. I feel for you. Grandpa's pine tar soap and aveeno eczema cream TOOK it away in a week and did WONDERS. It takes a few days to start working but I was dying of the itch. I am so sorry you're suffering. I too am having a little boy and was so afraid I would have this the entire pg. Granpas can be purchased at any health food store. Aveeno anywhere I believe. Hope you get relief.

  • Yikes. My pupps never looked like that. They were small itchy red bumps on my stomach and theighs... had them with both previous pregnancies until birth from around 30 weeks.

    That looks like a full blown allergic reaction to something. Those are hive wheels.
  • That does not look like pupp, those are hives. Try taking a benedryl and you can also put on hydrocortisone cream. And, try to think of anything new you took internally or new you have put on your body..even like new laundry detergent. That could be causing it.
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  • Thanks! It does seem to be more of an allergic reaction of some kind. Nothing has changed in our home so I don't know what caused it. My OB said Benadryl is ok so I took some about an hour ago. Not as itchy and the spots aren't quite as raised but still there and red. Hopefully it clears up soon. Thanks!
  • Hi there, I am not an expert, but I would tend to agree with the others, it looks more like hives or an allergic reaction. This page is about puppp and has lots of info and natural suggestions that may help. The remedies should also work for hives and itchy skin. a new window

  • Benadryl doesn't seem to help much - the hives have spread further down my legs and even up to my hairline and jawline on my face. They are on my fingers and palms today and weren't yesterday. Still worst on the bottoms of my forearms, sides and scalp. I wish I knew what was causing this!

  • Hi there, I think you should go to a derm snd ask for a biopsy. I do have something similar and it turns to be PG. pemphigoid gestations 😢
  • I think you should see a doctor for that. It sounds like it's getting more severe and you may need steroids or something to get it under control. If an allergic reaction keeps getting worse it can start to close up your throat and cause respiratory issues.
  • From another group but caught this post. I had PUPPS with my son and it looked exactly like that... Large hive like welts. Even a dermatologist agreed. It started at 36 weeks and took over most of my body. My OB took into consideration how bad it was and induced me at 39 weeks. It was gone within a week of his birth.
  • It cleared up after 4 days. No idea what it was all about but something irritated my skin. Was so uncomfortable but at least it only lasted a few days.
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