Albino, not white.

Also, a note for followers: albinism carries a multitude of health issues. Please do your research before buying an albino dog because otherwise your wallet and your heart may suffer. 

I would go further and say to NEVER support someone who is breeding a “white” aka albino doberman. Literally none of them are from good breeders or breeding practices and good breeders want absolutely nothing to do with the color. There are several in rescue due to their multitude of health problems and temperament concerns, so if you would like one PLEASE rescue one from a reputable rescue instead of giving money to a bad breeder.

These people call them many names including white, cream, double dilute, leucistic, blonde, silver, and more. They are none of these things. They are proven albino dogs, the first identified as such but not the only affected breed, and all of them and the normal colored dogs related to them are marked with a WZ on their registration numbers.

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