These 10 things every woman should know about her clitoris


You may think that you know your body down to the last detail. This assumption is not surprising, especially as we athletes have a particularly intimate relationship with our bodies. However, if you were asked in detail about how the clitoris works, you would most likely have to admit defeat, wouldn't you? Did you know, for example, that clitoris is the Greek word for key, which makes perfect sense in a figurative sense? So it's time to delve a little deeper into the matter.

1 - The clitoris is the most sensitive part of your body

Well, you may have already guessed that the clitoris is by far the most sensitive part of your body. But did you also know that it is even more sensitive than a penis? With 8000 sensory nerve endings, the clitoris is easily twice as sensitive as its male counterpart, which has only 4000 nerve endings.

2 - Your clitoris is something like a penis

Yes, you have just read correctly - the clitoris is basically nothing more than the female counterpart to the male penis. In principle, the development of every embryo begins in the same way, so that the genitals of human babies are also similar at the beginning. It is only from the third month of development that they develop into a clitoris or a penis. However, there are several other characteristics that can be used to determine the similarity between the organs. Not only do both organs swell with the help of blood, but anatomically both consist of a glans, a shaft and a foreskin.

3 - It has only one task

While other body parts in most cases fulfill much more than just one task, the clitoris is an exception that only has one purpose to fulfill - to give you sexual satisfaction.

4 - Science has long failed to give the clitoris the attention it deserves

It is very strange, but it is true that it was only in the 1990s that the clitoris began to be studied from a scientific point of view. Even the anatomy of the clitoris was not fully understood until the 1990s. Conceptual artists such as Sophia Wallace also took up the subject and attracted public attention with their work.

5 - It grows for a lifetime

You probably already knew that both your nose and ears continue to grow throughout your life. What you probably didn't know is that this also applies to your clitoris. Its growth starts at the beginning of puberty and continues into old age. In a woman's 30s, the clitoris is already four times the size it was at the beginning of puberty. At this point, it should also be mentioned that the growth of the clitoris is completely independent of how active you are sexually.

6 - Their appearance can vary significantly

Unlike other parts of the body that seem to be standardized in terms of appearance from an evolutionary perspective, the appearance of the clitoris can vary significantly from woman to woman. Some are rather small and hidden, while others are larger and more prominent. The visual differences can also be transferred to individual pressure sensitivity and sensitivity.

7 - The clitoris does not age

Another very interesting fact is that the clitoris does not age. In detail, this means that its functionality and sensitivity remain constant once it is fully developed. In plain language, this means that you can still feel your orgasms just as intensely at the age of well over sixty as you did in your early twenties.

8 - You can't quite see the clitoris

This statement is quite surprising but true, because all you see is just the glans with the surrounding foreskin. Below the skin, the clitoris unfolds its full size and runs in a fork shape towards the vagina. In this region, it is also connected to the G-spot, which brings us to the next point.

9 - The clitoris is crucial for your orgasm

The aforementioned connection of the clitoris to the so-called G-spot has given more than enough reason in the past to investigate the connection between the clitoris and the experience of orgasms. The studies conducted did indeed reveal that 75 percent of women needed clitoral stimulation in order to experience a satisfying orgasm. It was also found that the distance between the clitoris and the G-spot has a decisive influence on the intensity of the orgasm. The shorter the distance, the more intense the effect.

10 - It can regress under certain circumstances

Of course, it's not quite that dramatic in reality. However, the foreskin may close if you don't give your clitoris the attention it deserves. It is only ready for use quickly if it is regularly supplied with blood. However, if you neglect it, it can take much longer before you reach orgasm.

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