Audiobus: Use your music apps together.

What is Audiobus?Audiobus is an award-winning music app for iPhone and iPad which lets you use your other music apps together. Chain effects on your favourite synth, run the output of apps or Audio Units into an app like GarageBand or Loopy, or select a different audio interface output for each app. Route MIDI between apps — drive a synth from a MIDI sequencer, or add an arpeggiator to your MIDI keyboard — or sync with your external MIDI gear. And control your entire setup from a MIDI controller.

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Audiobus is the app that makes the rest of your setup better.

New experimental small album Perpetuum Mobile

Perpetuum Mobile

Perpetual motion is a perpetual motion that never stops and is like an eternal heartbeat driven by otherworldly energy. Frenq tried to capture this impossible force and probably failed. The eternal movement is doomed to failure just like the desire for eternal life and peace in our hearts. But nevertheless, enjoy it whenever you can. Here are my 3 ways of Perpetuum Mobile. Enjoy listening and please tell me what you think about it!

Regards, frenq


  • I didn’t realise that perpetuum mobile is a musical term (had to google it) as well as the perpetual motion meaning.
    Another fascinating creation Frenq, particularly enjoyed section 3 with the voices 👌

  • Thanks for the comments @GeoTony i am very happy to have musical followers as you. Have a good time, frenq

  • edited December 2023

    That’s good, Frenq. I especially liked the last part with the chorus. Perpetual motion may only work in a perfect vacuum but visually it’s no problem. Happy holidays, my friend.

  • Hi @LinearLineman thanks for your comment and happy holidays also my dear friend, frenq

  • Really enjoyed this! Great work!

    I’m curious about the streaming service. I’ve never used it but seen a few people here use it. How is it? Do you use SoundCloud or Bandcamp too or just this?

  • @HotStrange thanks for your comment, much appreciated. About the sound services all has it strength and weaknesses. is the best if you have little money, the other ones are much more expensive and probably commercially better. I only use my music service for showing my music and you can download it all for free. Used them all but is the best for me. Regards, frenq

  • @Frenq said:
    @HotStrange thanks for your comment, much appreciated. About the sound services all has it strength and weaknesses. is the best if you have little money, the other ones are much more expensive and probably commercially better. I only use my music service for showing my music and you can download it all for free. Used them all but is the best for me. Regards, frenq

    Thanks for the reply :)

  • edited December 2023

    the universe is in perpetual motion. Although some will say no, it has a beginning (“big bang”) and an end. Well, if one believes in contradiction (explosion is reducing, not increasing order), then the universe is - in their view - not perpetual. In truth the universe is actually a perpetuum mobile, but it is not a machine. It is an open system.

    A perpetually running machine in a closed system is not possible. One always has to have an input, like a water wheel needs flowing water. The good thing is, there are no closed systems in nature. Closed systems are only theoretical constructs of theoretical physics. They are good inventions and serve a purpose, to simplify axioms.

    A water wheel is a perpetuum mobile as long as the water stream is flowing. Atoms can also only exist when they are propelled by finer, lighter energy. Earlier scientists called it ether. Currently, in physics ether is disestablished, although today’s physicists are forced to reintroduce ether because galaxies and other celestial bodies don’t move as predicted by theory (“crisis in cosmology “). They just call it differently (“dark energy”, “dark matter”). Some call it prana. Among them are also researcher like our scientists, they do research in old knowledge. They differentiate different finenesses of prana (or whatever they call it, like chi, ki, vril, manas, etc.), and found out that there is a cosmic prana, a planetary prana, an atomic prana, etc. When the cosmic prana enters the earth sphere (which is though not only as the physical body, it encompasses the entire space described by earth’s orbit around the sun. The ancient Greeks used to think in spheres, from there comes the expression “sphere harmony“), then the cosmic prana becomes the telluric prana. This telluric prana floats through the human body, which then is transformed down into human prana that we use for our daily life’s activity.

    Besides, scientists calculated that we use 80% of the food’s energy for digestion. Only 20% of the chemically released energy can be used by the body. These “other” scientists I mentioned say, that processing food is some sort of catalyst for incorporating prana. Which explains why few people can live without food, they learned how to incorporate prana directly. No need for catalysts anymore.

    There are some clever inventions that come close to a perpetuum mobile. Magnet motors, the Keeley machine which seemed to run only in his presence, the rotating devices from Viktor Schauberger, new methods of extracting hydrogen from water, electrical circuits with magnets, etc. Who knows, maybe some developer of synthesiser modules or iPad apps will discover the next variant of perpetuum mobile?

    The clockmakers are also able candidates, for example the Jaeger-LeCoultre Atmos and others. These fine art clocks don’t need winding, batteries, or other charging. They run on the principle of temperature and atmospheric pressure change (heat pump).

  • @Phil999 thanks you for your extensive additions much appreciated, frenq

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