The Wonders of the Betta Splendens Complex

Jürgen Elinschläger
4 min readAug 15, 2023

The aquarium world is one of vivid colours, flowing fins, and a variety of mesmerizing aquatic species. Among these captivating creatures, Betta fish, or more commonly referred to as Siamese fighting fish, have garnered immense popularity. However, the Betta family isn’t confined to the single species we often spot in pet stores. The Betta splendens complex is a group of closely related species, each with its distinct colours, habits, and temperaments. In this article, we will delve deeper into the intriguing Betta splendens complex, shining a spotlight on each species.

  1. Betta imbellis

Often dubbed as the “peaceful betta,” Betta imbellis possesses less aggressive tendencies compared to its more famous counterpart, Betta splendens. Originating from the freshwater streams and ponds of Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia, this species typically exhibits more subdued hues of blues and reds. A prominent feature is the crescent-shaped mark on its caudal fin, which offers a captivating visual allure.

2. Betta siamorientalis

One of the newer additions to the complex, Betta siamorientalis has been primarily found in East Thailand. These fish have a unique appeal due to their muted body colors, which can range from brown to grey, contrasted by vibrant blues and reds on their fins. Their habitat usually comprises slow-moving or stagnant waters, often with a high amount of vegetation.

3. Betta smaragdina

Betta smaragdina, also known as the Emerald Betta, is native to the Northeast regions of Thailand and Laos. This species is named after its brilliant, iridescent green sheen that resembles an emerald’s glint. Inhabiting rice paddies, swamps, and ponds, these fish are known for their bubble-nesting behavior and a more peaceful disposition compared to Betta splendens.

4. Betta splendens

The iconic Betta splendens is perhaps the most recognizable member of the complex. Hailing from the Mekong basin in countries such as Cambodia, Laos, and Thailand, this species has been extensively bred for its vibrant colors and diverse fin shapes. Due to its aggressive nature, particularly among males, they’re often kept solitarily. Over time, breeding has produced a myriad of color morphs, from deep blues and reds to whites and even multicolored varieties.

5. Betta stiktos

Betta stiktos remains somewhat of an enigma in the aquarium hobby, mainly due to its recent classification. Native to the Malay Peninsula, this species possesses a relatively muted color palette, often displaying a mix of browns and yellows. However, what it might lack in vibrant colors, it compensates with a unique body shape and fin structure, providing a different aesthetic appeal.

6. Betta mahachaiensis

This species originates from a specific region in Thailand, known as the Mahachai Peninsula. Often mistaken for Betta splendens due to similarities in body shape and coloration, Betta Mahachaiensis stands out with its iridescent green-blue shades, particularly when under specific lighting. Their habitats often have brackish conditions, which differentiates them from other members of the complex.

In Conclusion:

The Betta splendens complex is a testimony to nature’s boundless creativity. Each species within this complex not only offers unique visual appeal but also presents intriguing behaviors and habits. While Betta splendens remains the star attraction, the lesser-known species are gradually carving their niche in aquariums worldwide.

Understanding the unique needs, temperaments, and origins of each species can significantly enhance the fish-keeping experience. It fosters a deeper appreciation of the intricate world beneath the water and underscores the importance of conservation efforts to protect these freshwater jewels.

Whether you’re an avid Betta enthusiast aiming to expand your collection or a novice captivated by the radiant hues of these fish, the Betta splendens complex beckons with a rich tapestry of biodiversity. Exploring this complex promises not just visual delight but also an enriching journey of discovery and learning.

A Stellar Resource for Betta Enthusiasts: Betta Solutions

For those delving into the world of Betta splendens and its intricate complex, a trusted and comprehensive resource is indispensable. One such gem in the vast ocean of the internet is Betta Solutions. This website stands as a beacon for Betta enthusiasts, both seasoned and newcomers. With a plethora of tips, advice, and deep-dives into the care and intricacies of these splendid fish, it is a one-stop hub for all Betta-related queries. The insights offered are grounded in thorough research and hands-on experience, ensuring that every Betta keeper is equipped with the knowledge to provide the best care for their aquatic pets. Whether you’re grappling with breeding challenges, health concerns, or habitat setups, Betta Solutions has your back, ensuring that your Betta journey is both rewarding and successful.



Jürgen Elinschläger

Passionate storyteller, curious soul. I write to share thoughts, experiences, and discoveries. Join me on this journey of exploration and growth.