Cascading Red Roses Sunflowers & Lavender Bouquet Sunflower Wedding Red
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This bouquet is made with real touch roses, lavender & beautiful sunflowers, perfect for a country, rustic or fall wedding. The handle of the bouquet is wrapped with lace. The bouquet fits well with many themes or even just because you are a sunflower/ roses kind of lady. The touch of the roses are as if they are real but without the uncertainty of real flowers. You can keep this bouquet for years to come! If you would like different color roses, change the size, add more baby's breath or change the wrap of the handle, feel free to let me know as I am here to help you create something you will absolutely love! Thank you for your interest in our bouquets! Cascading Red Roses Sunflowers & Lavender Bouquet Sunflower Wedding Red



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