Macassar Ebony


Macassar Ebony, a Southeast Asia exotic, stands out as a luxurious and visually striking hardwood. Its heartwood features a mesmerizing mix of dark brown and black stripes, creating a sophisticated and elegant appearance. Renowned for its density and smooth texture, Macassar Ebony is a popular choice for high-end crafts from musical instruments to fine woodworking and, of course, exquisite gaming dice.

Dungeon Masters Dice Upgrade: Each of the next 10 polyhedral sets of Macassar Ebony Dice sold will include a bonus D20 and has a 1 in 10 chance of being upgraded to include a copper inlay as shown below.



Dungeon Masters Dice Upgrade: Each of the next 10 polyhedral sets of Macassar Ebony Dice sold will include a bonus D20 and has a 1 in 10 chance of being upgraded to include a copper inlay as shown above.

Botanically, Macassar Ebony belongs to the Diospyros genus and is scientifically known as Diospyros celebica. This species thrives in the Macassar region of Indonesia, from which the wood is named. Diospyros trees typically reaches a height of 20 to 30 meters and produce heartwood with an impressive blend of colors, making it a sought-after material for decorative and functional applications. With beautiful white flowers in bloom, the Macassar Ebony tree adds a touch of natural elegance to its native landscape.

Historically, Macassar Ebony has been prized for its ornate appearance and durability. It has graced the creations of skilled artisans for centuries, adorning luxurious furniture and musical instruments with its distinctive patterns. In the world of gaming, Macassar Ebony dice bring a touch of sophistication to the table, offering players not only a tool for chance but a piece of craftsmanship that brings a unique swagger to the gaming table.

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