Berts Mega Mall | Powersports Hub

All motorcycle riders can agree that the chain is a fundamental component on a motorcycle. Learning how to clean and lube a motorcycle chain is essential to the longevity, safety, and functionality of a motorcycle. It is typical for riders to check their chain every 300 miles, but we recommend you check your owner’s manual for the time frame on your specific bike. Maintaining your motorcycle chain clean and lubed will extend the working life of your motorcycle so here is an easy step-by-step- process on how to lube your motorcycle chain.

Identify Your Chain Type:

It is important to know the type of chain your motorcycle has because it will affect the way you go about cleaning it. There are two different types of motorcycle chains: plain and sealed chains.

Plain Motorcycle Chain: A plain motorcycle chain is made up of metal-on-metal links with no seal in between. Since there is no seal in between these type of chains require the most maintenance because it cannot maintain internally lubricated. If your motorcycle has this type of chain, it is important that you check it often for any deterioration.

Sealed Motorcycle Chains (O-ring, X-ring, or Z-ring chains): A sealed motorcycle chain has a rubber seal between the inner link and outer links to keep grease inside the pin and the dirt out. Having seals in between the links helps the chain last longer and it is much easier to clean.

Get Your Motorcycle Into Position:

Before you begin to clean and lube the motorcycle chain, make sure that your motorcycle is in a position that will make the process be a little easier. We recommend you place your motorcycle on a center or a paddock stand because it will allow the rear tire (and the chain) to spin freely. You will be able to apply the cleaner and lube more effectively. If you don’t have these type of stands, you can use a kickstand and just move the bike in the driveway to make sure you are lubing every part of the chain. Once you lube one section move the motorcycle to get access to another section.

Examine the Motorcycle Chain:

Before you begin to clean and lube the motorcycle chain, make sure that the chain you currently have doesn’t have any friction that will require you to replace it for a new one. Your motorcycles owner’s manual should have a certain maximum length of a given number of links of your chain. If the number of links is longer than that, it's too worn and you will need to get a new one. Put your bike up on a stand so that the rear wheel is off the ground and rotate the rear wheel to inspect your chain.

Clean the Motorcycle Chain:

Before you decide to lube the motorcycle chain, make sure to remove any gunk that built upon the chain. After so many miles of riding your motorcycle, gunk, grease, and dirt can accumulate around the chain causing it to wear. First, wash the chain with mild soap and water to scrub off any loose dirt and debris. Then you must soak the chain with chain cleaner, rotating the rear tire in order to access every link in the chain. Let the chain cleaner sit for a few minutes for best results. After a few minutes, use a brush to scrub the chain and rinse it with water when done. 

Insider Tip: If you do not want your floor to get dirty/stain, prep the area with newspaper to protect against potential drips and over-spray.

Lubricate the Chain:

Once the chain is completely dry, apply just enough chain lubricant to completely cover the chain (rotating the rear tire in order to access every link in the chain). Make sure you get lube inside the pins and rollers. Once you have coated the entire chain, remove any excess that may build up any dirt on the chain again. Let the lubricant sit for about 15 minutes before you take your bike out for a ride. Only take your bike out for a short ride (about 3 miles) after lubricating the chain to work the lubricant into the chain.

Insider Tip: DO NOT get chain lubricant on the tread of your tires! If you do, clean the tire thoroughly prior to riding as it may cause an accident.


A cleaned and lubed motorcycle chain can have a huge impact on how smoothly your bike can transfer its power from the engine to your rear wheel. Make sure you are giving the motorcycle chain the proper maintenance so that it can extend the working life of your motorcycle.


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