
Colias myrmidone - Danube Clouded Yellow

Colias myrmidone (Esper, 1780) - Danube Clouded Yellow, female

* Image is also available in higher resolution: 408028.jpg (2771x1887 - 929 kb).

Associated glossary terms: collection specimen, female

Origin of image

Czechia, Bílé Karpaty, Radějov

19 July 1976

Author rights ?

Note: If not otherwise indicated image is property of its author and cannot be used without his permission.

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Colias myrmidone - Danube Clouded Yellow

Author: Tomáš Vrána

Colias myrmidone - Danube Clouded Yellow

Colias myrmidone - Danube Clouded Yellow

Author: Tomáš Vrána

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