Crepuscular Burnet (Zygaena carniolica)

Taken in Croatia on June 6th 2017.
(1/250th sec at f14. © David Hastings)


Family: Zygaenidae

Wing span: 30 - 35 mm

The Crepuscular Burnet has bluish-black forewings with six red spots surrounded by yellow. The hindwings are red with a black border. The outer spots are often in the shape of a crescent. The abdomen is black-blue, sometimes with a red belt. There are many subspecies.

It can be found in most of Europe, except the Britain Isles and northern Scandinavia.

Its habitats are warm and dry areas, grasslands and limestone substrate, steppe slopes and dry pastures.

Adults are on wing from July to August. The larva is the over-wintering stage.

The larvae feed on Lotus, Anthyllis, Dorycnium and Onobrychis species.

It is endangered in Europe due to the loss of calcareous grassland.


19-Jul-2018 : Vercors Natural Park, France

06-Jun-2017 : Irinovac, Croatia

26-Jul-2015 : Bansko meadows, Bulgaria