Byctiscus betulae

Byctiscus betulae

Byctiscus betulae (Linnaeus, 1758) is a Tooth-nosed snout weevil (family Rhynchitidae) known from large parts of the Palaearctic region (from China to Europe). Traditionally the Rhynchitidae were classified as a subfamily in the Attelabidae, but the taxon has been granted full family status as a separate family now.
Byctiscus betulae - Female  Attelabidae,Byctiscini,Byctiscus,Byctiscus betulae,Curculionoidea,Geotagged,Netherlands,Rhynchitidae,Rhynchitinae,Willow,nl: Berkensigarenmaker


Byctiscus betulae is a stout 5,5-9,5mm Weevil with iridescent, shiny green, blue or sometimes copper colouring all over. The males carry a forward pointing tooth on each side of the pronotum.
Stirn zwischen den Augen schwach vertieft, mit länglichen Punkten [Abb.1]. Spitze der Flügeldecken mit sehr feiner, flaumartiger, heller Behaarung, die nur im Profile sichtbar ist. Unterseite stets von der Färbung der Oberseite. Körper grün (Stammform) [Abb.2], oder blau oder grünlichblau oder fast kupferig; manchmal die Färbung der Flügeldecken anders als die des übrigen Körpers. Aedoeagus [Abb.3]. .
Byctiscus betulae on Willow  Attelabidae,Byctiscini,Byctiscus,Byctiscus betulae,Curculionoidea,Geotagged,Netherlands,Rhynchitidae,Rhynchitinae,Willow,nl: Berkensigarenmaker


The female rolls a "cigar" out of one or more leafs of the host plant and deposits various eggs in it. The larvae feed on the substance of the rolled leafs and continue to do so after the roll falls from the tree. Later they dig into the ground to pupate. A new generation may already emerge in fall, or otherwise in early spring.


This beetle is very polyphagous, feeding and developing on Betula, Pirus, Alnus, Corylus, Tilia, Salix, Populus and various Fruits and Vines where it can be considered harmful for production.


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SpeciesByctiscus betulae
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