Can you put a value on elbow licking research?

Can you put a value on elbow licking research?

It is physically impossible to lick your elbow.

We know this because at some point in the development of civilisation, people have researched the phenomenon ... usually after beer was consumed.

It is possible a desperate Honours student has attempted to complete a thesis on the subject, enrolling friends as research guinea pigs. (This statement is, in fact, entirely supposition. It is what folks in the research business call "hypothesis", and which the rest of us refer to as a "guess".)

But the point is, we couldn't have learned about this unfortunate elbow licking weakness without research of some sort. That's what makes research important. And while elbows would be at the lower end of the research quality spectrum*, there is little double that research improves our lives every day.

We're doing some research at the moment and while it won't cure the world's ills, I reckon the findings might help our understanding of how B2B entities perceive value. It's only open for a few more days, and I'd love for you to contribute your findings, so we can compile the insights and share it with you.

It's a 5 minute exercise, multiple choice, 12 questions in total. It is way easier than trying to lick your elbow.

Try it out - complete the questionnaire, and then attempt licking your elbow. You decide which is easier.

Here's the link: Take The Survey

And here are instructions on how you can try to Lick Your Elbow

By the way, if you have made it this far, research tells us that 25 per cent of all readers will by now have attempted to lick their elbow. Were you one of the outliers?!

(Oh, I lied: it is possible to lick your elbow. You need short arms, a long tongue, double joints or all three. Have at it, you short armed, flexible, Gene Simmons wannabe.)

* Apologies to the elbow research fraternity. Keep up your good work on the lateral epicondyle.

Remember: Take The Survey

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