Was 9/11 an "Inside Job"​?

Was 9/11 an "Inside Job"?

One day while on LinkedIn, a promise was made to list facts (NOT) theories about why I was certain 9/11 was an inside job. (aka False Flag Operation)  

Before listing these FACTS, let me share the heartbreaking journey that 100% confirmed this ugly and horrific conclusion.

Growing up watching John Wayne and Audie Murphy movies, no one was more "MY COUNTRY RIGHT OR WRONG" than I. On that September day, I wished to be a soldier again and was eager to deliver some serious payback!" 

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Years after 9/11 a customer came to visit from Australia. A very smart young Lady. 

During a conversation, she mentioned that the majority of her country felt that 9/11 was an inside job. (SAY WHAT!?)     

Completely in shock to hear this I could only respond with, "Well, you know (Those People) don't hold life as dear". (Please forgive) The young Lady just responded with "watch Loose Change and then let's chat".

After putting it off for some months it was watched in its entirety. The very first impression felt like being kicked in the gut and my heart broke all at once. NO WAY could this be true!

So in reaction to all of these "theories", I took 2-years to thoroughly investigate and connect the dots (just facts and documented events) and tried my best to prove the many documentaries regarding 9/11 wrong and hopefully get back the paradigm so painfully lost. 

Much to my horror the evidence just confirmed many of the theories to be simple and obvious truths. From there undeniable facts and basic science took over despite my protest and denial.

So now as promised:

The TOP 10 FACTS (Not Theories) that prove the World Trade Towers 1, 2, and 7 were all brought down with controlled demolition, which could only be conducted with advanced preparation.  (Footnote) More money was spent on the Monica Lewinsky incident than the 9/11 Commission report.

1. Never in the history of mankind has a steel-framed building collapsed due to fire. Yet, on that day (3) fell at free-fall speed, (approximately 10 seconds) and directly into their basement footprints. The only way a building can collapse in free-fall speed is if the floors are providing zero resistance as they pancake to the ground. This is Newton's Law! (Fact)

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2. The Pyroclastic flows witnessed in New Your City can only be created by (2) events. A Volcanic Eruption (or) Controlled Demolition. (Fact)

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3. Before any of the debris could be analyzed, the bulk of the debris was sent to China as scrap metal. Whatever happened to gathering all the pieces and learning what really happened? (Fact)          

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Latter a substantial amount of metal was recovered and Thermate a more intense mix of Thermite was detected in great quantity. 

Thermite-Thermate = Chemical compounds used by the demolition industry to cut metal in seconds and with surgical precision. (Fact)         

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Also immediately after the towers collapsed, main support columns (4" thick at the base) were found to be cut at 45-degree angles sticking out of the rubble looking as if cut by a hot knife. (FACT)

Also 10 days prior to 9/11, all bomb-sniffing dogs that were always present after the first terrorist attack on the WTC were removed and never returned to duty. (Fact)

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4. During the collapse of the world trade center steel girders were ejected laterally some 300 feet into the surrounding buildings. Also, what can cause the top half of both buildings to turn into a giant ball of dust while in mid-air? (Fact)

5. Many NYC Firefighters testified that prior to the collapse, they could see and hear dozens of explosive squibs detonating in rapid order down the length of both buildings, as if the building was being brought down by controlled demolition. (Fact)

6. During the clean-up operation, MOLTEN LIQUID STEEL (lava) was found weeks later in both basements of the Trade Centers. (Fact) Structural Steel melts at approximately 1510 Celsius or 2750 Fahrenheit. (Fact)  The maximum temperature of an atmospheric hydrocarbon fire without pressurization or preheating is 825 Celsius or 1517 Fahrenheit. (Fact)

Prior to their collapse dark black smoke was in abundance and witnessed by all. Dark black smoke is proof of an oxygen-starved fire (and) survivors were seen at the point of impact. (Fact)

Upon impact, all of the jet fuel would have ignited, and could not have traveled the length of the hermetically sealed air-tight elevator shafts. (Fact)

7. Regarding the Plane that crashed in Shanksville. No wings, engines, fuselage, or bodies could be found. The only way for a crash site to appear this way is for the plane to have hit the ground at Mach-12. A jetliner in a full-power dive could never achieve this speed. (Fact)

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8. In regards to the Pentagon the most highly defended military base on the planet. The government could provide only (5) picture frames that reveal no airliner crashing into the pentagon.

Yet, several security cameras from a surrounding gas station, hotel, and highway cameras captured exactly what hit the Pentagon, all of which were later confiscated for reasons of national security. (Fact)

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One day prior to 9/11 former S.O.D Donald Rumsfeld stated the Pentagon could not account for 2.3 TRILLION. Yet, the very same military accounting command tasked to investigate these missing trillions took the brunt of this disaster. On 9/11, 80% of the senior leadership of this command was killed. (Fact)

We're also made to believe that an aluminum/titanium airliner could crash thru 3 rings of the Pentagon's concrete superstructure and create an almost perfect circular blow-out hole as it came out. No engines, wings, or any debris could be found that could prove it was an airliner. Yet countless pictures were captured showing Pentagon personnel carrying pieces of the wreckage before any FAA investigation. Was this not the crime scene of the century? (Fact)

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9. The FAA radar tracking confirmed the aircraft that hit the Pentagon had made maneuvers impossible for an airliner. The Aircraft was reported to have bounced off the lawn without leaving a mark and disappearing completely into a 16' hole showing no evidence of where the (2) 6-ton jet engines made an impact. (FACT) 

10. Also along the aircraft's supposed flight path it reportedly clipped several Light posts from its base. Any other time the aircraft would have ignited into a fireball at that first point of impact. (Fact)

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If You still require convincing wrap your head around this. 

Weeks leading up to 9/11 *put options placed on both United and American Airlines climbed to 12 times their daily averages. *When stock is forecasted and hoped to drop in price" (Fact)

What do they tell all detectives? "Follow The Money" http://911research.wtc7.net/sept11/stockputs.html

The most disappointing thing of all is that America was indeed hijacked by domestic enemies that day, and the greatest shame and cannot be denied is that we've been warned about this level of "BS" by at least a half dozen dead Presidents. Remember Ike's farewell speech about needing to be "ever-vigilant" and "hidden unauthorized powers within government". (apparently not)

Certain all of this will evoke some debate and anger in my direction. Yet, because this event brought our country to war and cost so many innocent lives, this is a service and reminder I've been selected to deliver.

"Earth as it is in Heaven" I thought was the direction we all should be taking.


"Loose Change"                      https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsRm8M-qOjQ 

"In their own Words"             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKVjgpBWxvY

"Pilots for 9/11 Truth"             https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zKiJC8e3yqw        

"9/11 Mysteries: Demolition"    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2O7LwySqtr4

 "9/11 Follow the Money Find the criminals"    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1t5anm6Uyo

Kevin Leo Smith

As a seeker of truth, and the light from the first star ever; I explore the vast infinite sea of nothing, to find: myself...


Engineering aside, it's pretty simple figuring out what happened with 911. Iran and Afghanistan had ZERO to do with 911, and the oil the USA is stealing from both nations; it's all getting sent to Saudi Arabia (where the majority of hijackers came from), with Saudi Arabia enjoying record profits. The Bush administration declared war against Iraq based on nothing but lies (which is unconstitutional btw), not to mention the Afghan poppy fields were quickly secured after the USA's invasion. https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2017/11/20/542871/US-invaded-Afghanistan-largely-to-restore-heroine-industry >> ISIS and Al'Qaeda were both created by the USA/CIA--in part--to start coups in other countries. https://www.counterpunch.org/2014/09/19/how-the-us-helped-create-al-qaeda-and-isis/ >> The USA government/CIA are still using contracted militias to cause chaos and violence in other countries, including Liberia. https://www.counterpunch.org/2009/04/06/blackwater-in-liberia/ >> The "war on terror" is not spilling onto the African continent, with the USA military bombing Somalia; with Amnesty International crying out about civilians deaths in Somalia from the USA's attacks. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2019/03/usa-somalia-shroud-of-secrecy-around-civilian-deaths-masks-possible-war-crimes/ >> Long ago (pictured), Britain went to Saudi Arabia to recruit them into their version of fascism (imo). Not long after that picture was taken, the USA started working with Saudi Arabia since 1933. Saudi Arabia is a far-right fascist church-state (like Catholicism). Israel is also another far-right fascist church-state (Zionism). The Bush administration released the Israelis who were under investigation for possible fore-knowledge of the 911 events, or possibly being involved; but they were released. https://www.whatreallyhappened.com/WRHARTICLES/fiveisraelis.html >> Understanding 911 is pretty simple: Saudi Arabia + Israel + the USA = 911. The far-right fascist white-supremacists are working together (imo). Most Arabian nations are being run by whites or Arabians mixed-white; not by natives.

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Deborah McKinney

Singer/Songwriter/ musician



Russell Gow

Executive Producer/Producer | Content Creation/Writer - Owner and Director of Station 211 Ltd


conspiracy theorists rumble on!!


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