The nine-spotted moth  (Amata phegea also Syntomis phegea) - Insects, Spiders and other Animals
The nine-spotted moth (Amata phegea also Syntomis phegea) A species in the family Erebidae ("tiger moths"). chiefly found in southern Europe but also seen up to northern Germany, and in the east to Anatolia and the Caucasus,[ It does not breed in the United Kingdom, but it is a very rare immigrant. The species prefers drier areas, open ranges with shrubs and trees as well as open forests and warm, sunny slopes. Orvieto, Umbria, Italy June 2018

Also in: Insects, Spiders and other Animals

Shepherd's fritillary (Boloria pales) The Apennine form
High brown fritillary (Argynnis adippe f. cleodoxa).
Large chequered skipper (Heteropterus morpheus)
Buff-tailed  bumblebee (Bombus  terrestris)
Common blue female (Polyommatus icarus) ♂︎.
Apollo or mountain Apollo (Parnassius apollo)
Silver-Washed Fritillary (Argynnis paphia) ♀
The oak hawk (Marumba quercus ) with small elephant haw (Deilephila porcellus)
Longicorn Beetles (Stenurella bifasciata)
Argiope bruennichi (orb web spider) ♀
Lesser fiery copper (Lycaena thersamon)♂︎
Argiope bruennichi (orb web spider) ♀
Chalkhill blue (Lysandra coridon)  ♂︎
Lesser fiery copper (Lycaena thersamon) ♀︎
Scarce Swallowtail (Iphiclides podalirius)