a small green and yellow fish sitting on top of a rock next to water droplets
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Neon Borneo Sucker (Gastromyzon lepidogaster)

Product details
The Neon Borneo Sucker (Gastromyzon lepidogaster) may be the most stunning loach from the “Borneo Sucker” complex. G. lepidogaster are unique in the fact that as they age, they change color. Young begin life as a small, nondescript, black hillstream loach. In sub-adulthood, they go through a dramatic color transformation, changing from black to bright-orange. When sexually mature, they change their color again, this time to a bright, reflective-green. Mature, older, adults can switch between their three color phases at will; or, choose an intermediate color between the two. Specimens that choose to wear a combination of the orange and green are sight to behold. The entire body of the fish has what almost appears as a “dusting” of iridophores: structural pigments that make them appear to “sparkle.” This is a truly “holographic” fish. As with all rheophillyne loaches, G. lepidogaster needs very clean (minimal TDS, no organic waste), slightly-acidic, highly-oxygenated, cool water (50F-80F; room temperature is fine).