Siko bathrooms & kitchens in Prešov, Slovakia

Ruukki delivered mineral wool sandwich panels and Liberta Elegant 500 Grande rainscreen panels for the store in Prešov, Slovakia.


  • Owner/Investor: SLOSIKO s. r. o.
  • Architect: Atrios Architects s.r.o.
  • Construction/installation company: HSF System SK, s.r.o.
  • Year: 2019
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SIKO KÚPEĽNE, a. s. is the largest specialized network of stores for bathroom and kitchen equipments with 13 shops in Slovakia and 38 in Czech republic.

If you are going to reconstruct or refurnish new house/flat or just looking for an inspiration SIKO is the right partner. They help you to arrange a new bathroom or kitchen from initial idea to implementation, stylishly and worry-free. You can find there a wide range of bathroom and kitchen equipment from a bathroom tiles and paving to water taps, sinks, bathtubs, mirrors and doors.